Puffy Payton 5 min review
As I sit here absolutely blitzed out of my mind from how strong the effects of this one, is I still tend to feel upset on the flavor of this one. The first hit was candied grape and crushed smarties, but now the next day I am here hitting it at 1.9-2.3v a hello supply and even on my base to my carti9 just to see if it changes anything and the flavor is for lack of a better words gone lol. The first hit after not hitting it is good, but it has changed a bit it’s more of like a runtz or gelato, which makes sense it could be a bubblegum cross with some grape shit but it’s not as loud and it’s not as flavorful as that first rip. There’s still the grape bubble gum in the beginning, though very faint, then instead of candy it’s more of a cream like from a gelato or runtz cf. Even hitting it right now during this I’m still having to search for a flavor profile instead of being smacked in the face with flavor like from another collaboration. Maybe it could be that I’m faded out of my mind right now and my sinuses and taste buds are just overloaded from hitting it so much( not back to back I’m not stupid lmao) that I’m not really getting a good taste anymore. This is one of those ones that you change out and hit it once every other day if you’re looking for flavor but if you want to be damn near drunk hit this shit 4 times and you won’t be able to function and I’m a vet 😂😂
Flavor:7. Grapey gummy runtz Potency:9 you’re going to feel this one haha Would I buy again?: yeah it rips haha it’s just very faint after you start smoking it. Overall: 8 I like it but I’m sad it’s not the original flavor but maybe I fucked up my cart who knows or maybe it’s faulty hardware someone let me know lmao.
As I sit here absolutely blitzed out of my mind from how strong the effects of this one, is I still tend to feel upset on the flavor of this one. The first hit was candied grape and crushed smarties, but now the next day I am here hitting it at 1.9-2.3v a hello supply and even on my base to my carti9 just to see if it changes anything and the flavor is for lack of a better words gone lol. The first hit after not hitting it is good, but it has changed a bit it’s more of like a runtz or gelato, which makes sense it could be a bubblegum cross with some grape shit but it’s not as loud and it’s not as flavorful as that first rip. There’s still the grape bubble gum in the beginning, though very faint, then instead of candy it’s more of a cream like from a gelato or runtz cf. Even hitting it right now during this I’m still having to search for a flavor profile instead of being smacked in the face with flavor like from another collaboration. Maybe it could be that I’m faded out of my mind right now and my sinuses and taste buds are just overloaded from hitting it so much( not back to back I’m not stupid lmao) that I’m not really getting a good taste anymore. This is one of those ones that you change out and hit it once every other day if you’re looking for flavor but if you want to be damn near drunk hit this shit 4 times and you won’t be able to function and I’m a vet 😂😂
Flavor:7. Grapey gummy runtz Potency:9 you’re going to feel this one haha Would I buy again?: yeah it rips haha it’s just very faint after you start smoking it. Overall: 8 I like it but I’m sad it’s not the original flavor but maybe I fucked up my cart who knows or maybe it’s faulty hardware someone let me know lmao.